1. Carrying out leveraged transactions on this website, may result in remarkable profit for your investment, but there are also greater investment risks. In order to make you better understand the risks, we listed several risk types of leveraged transactions according to relevant laws and regulations, administrative rules and relevant national policies, please read them carefully before enabling your leverage.
2. In case you've opened leverage trading on this website, and the margin rate is less than or equal to 30%, your position will trigger forced closing. The system will buy or sell your assets according to the real-time entrusted order price on this website to repay the loan applied. If the price fluctuates violently and the system cannot close the position, resulting in financial loss of the platform, this website has the right to recover the loss from you.
3. This website currently permits loan at a maximum of 19 times of your personal net asset, the loan total shall not exceed the maximum amount set by the system of this website.
4. The service charge is calculated from the time you apply for the leverage on this website. 24 hours or less is counted as one day, exceeding 24 hours is counted as two days. The daily charge equals to the amount you apply multiplied by the daily rate.
5. In order to protect the safety of funds, when you have applied leverage and have not repaid, your withdrawable assets on this website = total assets - 2 * leverage upper limit (including handling fees).
6. Both the application for a loan and repayment will be treated as transactions, the leverage transaction fee will be deducted from your funds to this website.
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