1. Forgetting or Incorrectly Filling Memo/TAG/Payment ID
The Memo or Tag is an additional address feature necessary for identifying the recipient of a transaction beyond the wallet address. If you fail to fill in the corresponding Memo (such as for XRP, XLM, etc.), the deposit will not be credited. Due to the specificity of addresses with Memos/Tags, we will return the funds to the original sender. Please submit a support ticket and provide the following information to facilitate verification and processing:
- Your Venkate account (email or phone number)
- Deposit Hash
- Deposit amount
Note: We will return the funds to the original address within two weeks after verification.
2. Deposited Tokens Not Listed on Venkate or Contract Mismatch
For deposits of tokens not listed on Venkate or with contract mismatches, please provide a detailed description of the error and the following information. While we cannot guarantee the recovery of assets, we will assist as much as possible:
- Venkate account
- Name and address of the incorrect token
- Deposit amount
- TXID (very important)
Our customer service will determine if the asset can be recovered. If recovery is possible, we will need assistance from our technical team. The process may take 1-2 weeks or longer due to the required resources. Confirm with customer service whether you want the assets returned to the original address or another specified address (ensure the original address is not a hot wallet; if a specified address, inform customer service).
3. Incorrect Deposit Address
- Deposits to Non-Venkate Addresses: If tokens are deposited to an address outside Venkate, Venkate cannot receive the corresponding blockchain assets. Due to the anonymity of the blockchain, we cannot assist in recovering funds. We recommend negotiating with the owner of the corresponding address through other means.
- Deposits to Incorrect Venkate Chain Addresses: If the token is on a supported chain with a matching contract address, contact Venkate customer service for assistance. If the chain is not supported, confirm with customer service if a return is possible.
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