*This instruction is for users who already have cryptocurrencies elsewhere.
*Please make sure the token is supported/listed on our exchange before making a blockchain deposit.
If you hold crypto on other platforms or wallets, you can transfer them to an Venkate exchange account for trading or to increase your crypto holdings through Venkate services.
How to deposit Crypto in Venkate web side
1. Log in to the Venkate account and click [Spot] - [Deposit].
2. Select the crypto you want to deposit, using USDT as an example.
3. The system will display the network that can be used to recharge the USDT. Please select the deposit network carefully and ensure that the network selected is consistent with the network of the withdrawal platform. If you choose the wrong network, funds can be lost and cannot be recovered.
4. The system will display the QR code and recharge address of the selected network. Click the Copy icon to copy the deposit address and paste it into the address field of the withdrawal platform. You can also scan the QR code and import directly on the withdrawal platform.
5. The transfer will be processed after the deposit request is confirmed. Depending on the current traffic of the blockchain and its network, the confirmation time will vary. After confirmation, the funds will be transferred to your personal Venkate account, which you can check in [Funds].
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